Chirton Pips Preschool
'A Forest School'
Our Preschool Day.....
8.45 - 09.00 Pre-school opens - children are collected from the gate.
Children come in and choose an activity they would like to
do inside, or join an adult for an adult led activity.
10.00 Story, Rhyme Time and/ or singing
10.15 Healthy snack
10.30 Free play inside or outside
11.50 Phonics, action rhymes or subitising games
12.00 Lunch time
12.45 Rest & relaxation with stories or drawings or library time
1.00 Free play inside or outside
2.40 Healthy snack
3.00 Pre-school finishes


Health and Hygiene
Our pre-school promotes a healthy lifestyle and a high standard of hygiene in its day to day work with the children. Parents are asked to provide a healthy packed lunch for their children. Information and advice on healthy lunches is always available. Children discuss the health benefits of healthy foods each mealtime at preschool including their oral health.

Fund raising
We cannot survive on the fees alone so we undertake fund raising activities regularly. These vary from football tournaments, raffles, sponsored bike rides and different events organised for children their families and the wider community by CHIPS our site PTA.
CHIPS work really hard helping to make fundraising an important part of Chirton life - this has had an amazingly positive impact on the environment and the equipment we have available for your children to enjoy! We wouldn't be able to do this without the help of so many people. Baking a cake, giving a prize for the for the raffle, or coming in for an Easter Hunt. It is all about support - and always appreciated! Click on the link to find out more about CHIPS!
Parental Partnership
We believe that parents are the experts on their own child, therefore working together with them is an essential part of our job.
At the beginning of each term the Key workers choose one of their Key Children to be their Focus Child. We are ask parents to let us know of any interests their child has or any queries / concerns they have; we then observe and work with their child using the information the parents have given us to see where they are developmentally. A meeting is then arranged and areas for development are agreed. During the second half of the term activities are made available to help the children progress.
Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning.
Play is really the hard work of childhood.
Fred Rogers